When the fine carpet laid in your room stretches from some portion and starts forming ripples, it’s beauty gets destroyed. Then, a question raised is “can you restretch carpet without moving furniture in the room?”. Definitely yes, it is possible, but that depends on various factors and methods of restretching. Learn them here.
Which Factors Affect To Restretch Carpet Without Moving Furniture?
⇒ The quantity of the furniture present in the room.
⇒ Whether the furniture is light or heavy in weight.
⇒ The size of furniture pieces- small or big.
⇒ Location of the furniture in the room.
How To Stretch Carpet With Furniture In Room?
At first, you must check the notable signs that show your carpet needs re-stretching service.
⇒ The heavyweight of the furniture can cause stretches in the carpet. For example: if you keep a 500 pound piano, heavy equipment for exercise, and a pool table in the center of the room, then carpet stretching is prevented by these heavy things in the room. In such cases, move some things out of the room before stretching.
⇒ Large furniture pieces like sectional sofa create difficulty to know about the carpet condition that is present underneath it. It also imposes a challenge to stretch carpet with this furniture as it can block a big area of the room.
⇒ If you can’t remove the big furniture or things from the room, at least move the small things like vases and lamps outside. Else, these things can get damaged while doing carpet restretching.
⇒ Also, move small things like chairs and side tables out of the room. As such, with a few items in the room, it becomes easy to use a power stretcher from different angles and stretch the carpet.
⇒ Sometimes when you have moving furniture in your home, then shift the one end of the furniture to the side of the room. Then, work on the empty area for carpet stretching.
Contact Best Professional Carpet Stretching Services Today!
The professionals at Kings of Steam will try their best to not move the large pieces of furniture while carpet stretching at your house. Schedule an appointment with us today to know more information about this service.