How Often Should You Have Your Upholstery Cleaned?

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How Often Should You Have Your Upholstery Cleaned?

Upholstered furniture requires regular cleaning to maintain its flawless appearance and continue providing comfort for homeowners. But just how often should you get your upholstery cleaned for optimal results?

The common answer is once every 6 months. But this is not a one-size-fits-all case, and the actual frequency of cleaning can vary from household to household depending on various factors.

In this blog, we have discussed these factors in detail to answer your question and give you the right frequency of upholstery cleaning for your home.

Factors That Affect the Frequency of Upholstery Cleaning

⇒ Type of Fabric

The type of fabric your upholstery has plays a huge role in deciding the cleaning frequency. Some materials are more durable than others and can handle a lot of wear and tear without much damage. Microfiber and other synthetic fabrics are examples of these materials.

On the other hand, delicate materials require more frequent cleaning, as they get spoiled easily. Some materials like wool and leather have specific cleaning requirements and need frequent maintenance to keep looking their best.

⇒ Usage

The cleaning frequency for your couch is directly proportional to the use you get out of it. Sofas, chairs, and couches that get used more will receive more dirt, grime, and stains and require more frequent cleaning.

Similarly, less frequently used furniture may not receive much damage and staining compared to the ones that get used often. Due to this, their cleaning frequency can differ. For example, you’ll need to get upholstery in halls cleaned more often than the ones in bedrooms.

⇒ Pets and Kids

Another factor that affects the frequency of upholstery cleaning is your lifestyle. Most crucial in this is the presence of pets and kids. They tend to use the furniture roughly, which increases the chances of staining and damage.

Kids especially love practicing their drawing skills on sofas. Also, removing pet urine stains can be difficult, as it leaves a musty smell on your couch that lingers long after you’ve cleaned the stain.

So homeowners with small kids and pets should get their upholstered furniture cleaned more frequently to prevent damage and protect its pristine appearance.

⇒ Health Issues

Dirty and grimy sofas can hide a lot of dirt and allergens, which can be a big issue if someone in your family suffers from allergies. The contaminants present in dirty furniture can even affect healthy individuals and increase the risk of diseases.

These households need more frequent cleaning to keep the dirt and allergens at bay. So, such homeowners may need to get their upholstery cleaned by the experts at least 3-4 times a year.

⇒ Manufacturer’s guidelines

Lastly, every upholstery comes with a manufacturer’s guidelines. Here, there is a recommended frequency of cleaning for the specific fabric. It can be twice a year for some or more than that for other sensitive fabrics.

You should read the manufacturer’s guide and get your upholstered furniture cleaned accordingly.


You should get your upholstered furniture cleaned at least twice a year by a professional. But if you have a delicate fabric or the furniture is in a high-traffic area, plus you have kids and pets, consider reducing the time between two professional cleanings. Similarly, if you have allergy-prone family members, get your furniture cleaned more frequently.

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