Top 4 Commercial Carpet Cleaning Myths

4 · 19 · 23
Commercial Carpet Cleaning

When it comes to cleaning and maintaining a carpet in your workplace, there are many misconceptions floating around business owners. Some think too much vacuuming will cause damage, some doubt the effectiveness of the cleaning methods, and some don’t believe in the need for deep cleaning.

These false beliefs hinder the proper maintenance of your carpets and result in inadequate care. So, we have come up with this blog to help you clear those myths related to commercial carpet cleaning and help you maintain your carpets well.

1. Extensive Vacuuming will Damage The Carpet

Generally, modern carpets, especially commercial ones, are designed to endure heavy vacuuming. They can easily withstand regular vacuuming as they are specially designed to be treated this way because of the heavy foot traffic that most workplaces demand.

So, as long as you use an appropriate vacuum cleaner for your carpet and vacuum it the right way, frequent vacuuming won’t cause any harm to your carpets, and in fact, help you maintain them well, extending their lifespan.

2. Steam Cleaning will Lead to Mold Growth

Despite steam cleaning being one of the effective methods, many people still believe this myth.

Mold growth through steam cleaning is only possible when your carpet is washed by an inexperienced person or if the carpeting is not done appropriately and is kept saturated for days.

Microbes can thrive in damp environments, but if you ensure that the carpeting is thoroughly dried immediately after steam cleaning, you can easily avoid bacterial growth from flourishing and get your carpets effectively and thoroughly cleaned.

3. Cleaning is Required only once it Looks Dirty

Just because commercial carpets are much more durable to bear heavy amounts of dirt, many people believe in cleaning them only when they become visibly dirty.

Understandably, you might want to save some bucks by extending the intervals of cleaning. But by doing so, it will cost you even more when, in the long run, your “seemingly-clean” carpet will turn out to be internally damaged due to hidden dirt and grime in the layers underneath.

So consider cleaning your carpets at regular intervals to prevent germs and grime from building up over time.

4. Hiring Expert Services is Way too Expensive

You may believe that cleaning the carpet manually is quicker and less pricey. But, in the long run, it is more costly since store-bought chemicals can lead your carpeting to burn out faster and end up losing its color.

Although if you purchase machinery that is comparable to that used by an expert carpet cleaner, you would still damage the carpet since you lack the expertise and experience that professionals possess. This makes hiring professional carpet cleaning worth it.

Summing up

We hope this blog has cleared those misconceptions and myths regarding commercial carpet cleaning to help you maintain your carpets the right way.

So, by regular vacuuming, cleaning them periodically, using effective cleaning methods, and opting for professional carpet cleaning services, you can make your commercial place appealing with a clean, healthier environment.

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